205-505 Queen St, Spruce Grove (780) 960-9533 Email

Information Posters

WVPCN Clinics & Programs Posters

Click on an image to view the PDF document. 

The posters below do not represent all of WVPCN's services. To learn more, visit our services and classes pages.


General WVPCN Info 



grief support spruce grovem, grief support stony plain, grief support parkland county, heart health resources spruce grove, heart health resources stony plain, heart health resources parkland county, obesity spruce grove, obesity stony plain, obesity parkland county, heart disease spruce grove, heart disease stony plain, heart disease parkalnd county, healt classes spruce grove, health classes stony plain, health classes parkland county        




Community Health Navigator 





Obesity Clinic


Virtual Care Clinic 



Women's Health Clinic

women clinic spruce grove, women clinic stony plain, women clinic parkland county     women clinic spruce grove, women clinic stony plain, women clinic parkland county


Youth Community Connector: 1-Pager and 2-Pager 



Youth Mental Health Clinic 

youth therapy spruce grove, youth therapy stony plain, youth therapy parkland county    




We have other services not listed on this page. For a list of all our services, please visit this page.