Main Colour Codes
RGB: 0, 103, 180
CMYK: 100, 59, 0, 0
HEX: #0067b4
RGB: 84, 185, 72
CMYK: 69, 0, 100, 0
HEX: #54b948
Primary sans serif typeface: Aptos
Aptos is a contemporary and legible font choice with a variety of weights. Aesthetically it
strikes a balance between professional and approachable that fills well to communicate
our messaging. It’s available with all Microsoft and Adobe software and free to download.
When Aptos is unavailable, it should be substituted with Arial.
Primary serif typeface: Aptos Serif
When Aptos Serif is unavailable, it should be substituted with Noto Serif.
The following are .png files that you can right-click and save. If you require any other brand elements, send us through the contact page.
WestView PCN Coloured Logo
WestView PCN White Logo
WestView PCN Black and White Logo
Edmonton Area PCNs Logo